Happy anniversary throwdown at Crossfit ALC, Alicante

 In Wod abroad
  Destination ,

Checking out Crossfit ALC’s online crossfit schedule, Tamara stumbled upon a three hour scheduled  weekend wod. But it turned out to be their 5th anniversary team throwdown! Well, that’s what you could call a special drop-in…

Two boxes, one owner

Road tripping along the coast of Spain, my second stop (after Valencia) is Alicante! This city contains 5 official crossfit boxes which are widely spread around town. Since I was staying just out of Alicante, I checked out two boxes on the west side of Alicante: Crossfit ALC and Crossfit Alicante. It happens to be that both boxes are from the same owner: Javier Soro.

He started Crossfit ALC in 2012 and two years later Crossfit Alicante followed in 2014. Soro got the opportunity to start a second box next to a gym in a more residential neighborhood in Alicante. This also gave him the opportunity to reach a new population and to build up another crossfit community.

5 years of ALC

Taking stock after 5 years, the ALC community includes 230 members, 8 coaches and exists of and area of 780m2, with a 500m2 training zone. It’s located in an industrial area and entering the place it feels like how a crossfit box in my option should feel: raw, industrial and a great place where training and hard work are to be done. And now they were ready for their 5 year anniversary, starting la fiesta with a 4 person team throwdown consisting of 3 crossfit workouts.


International team skills

Warming up with a short run around the block, I found my (international) team buddies in ALC members Laurent (France), Oliwia (Poland) and Fernando (Spain). We started off with crossfit wod number 1: completing a relay-race of 2000m running with a 10 kg sandbag (max. 250m each) and 2000m running without one (also max. 250m each).

After all teams finished running, Javier explained wod number 2: ‘Arrangatas – or power cleans – with different weights each representing a number of points.  In 15 rounds of 30 seconds each team should try to get as many points as possible. Unfortunately a muscle in my shoulder didn’t fully agree with this approach and after only three of rounds, I was due to quit to prevent further injury. Fortunately, my cheering skills didn’t let me down so my team finished the wod anyhow.


Special drop-in

Due to other duties as work and study, our team had to skip the third and last wod. But I’m pretty sure to say that this was one of my most special drop-ins so far. Not the thing you would expect on a regular drop-in on a Saturday during your summer holiday, but it was great to see a big part of the ALC community together to celebrate their anniversary and enjoy a day of team work-outs together! And although I was just a visitor, I felt part of their community for a day since everybody was very helpful and friendly. So a big gracias to Javier, Laurent, Oliwia, Fernando and all the other ALC athletes for having me! And I might see you at your next anniversary! 😉

Nice to know

  • Crossfit ALC is located at Calle Benejama, 11 in Alicante, Spain.
  • Most boxes in Spain are not opened on Sundays. On Saturdays they usually have open gym or wod scheduled until 13/14 hours. So make sure to check the schedule(or ‘horario’) upfront if you’re visiting during the weekend.
  • Crossfit ALC is not really located in the city centre, so a car might be handy to get there.
  • Bring your swimming gear, as Alicante has a nice city beach.



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